
How To Find Prime Numbers In Python

This article will learn how to check if a number is prime or not in Python. Usually, we all know some common methods using library functions or without using library functions. But how many of us know that there are 6 means to check a prime number. Possibly some of us will be familiar with some methods. Simply this article will teach you all the possible ways. Let united states of america move on to bank check if a number is prime or not.

In the number organization, we have ii types of numbers. They are Prime and composite. Prime numbers are the numbers that are not the product of any other numbers. These numbers are e'er natural numbers. For example, 13 is a prime number. Because we cannot get this number as a production of any other two numbers except to the product of one, on the other hand, if we take 4, information technology will show a upshot as a composite because it is a product of 2X2. I promise now all are articulate about prime numbers.

The following methods are available:

  1. functions
  2. if-else statements
  3. math module
  4. sympy library
  5. primePy library
  6. is_integer office

Method 1: Using isprime() to check if a number is prime or non in python

i.1 Lawmaking

def isprime(num):     for northward in range(2,int(num**0.5)+ane):         if num%n==0:             return False     render True print(isprime(seven)) print(isprime(8))          

This method is implemented using function. It will return True if the number is prime number. Otherwise, it will render False. Start checking with 7 and so with 8.


True Imitation

i.two Lawmaking

def isprime(num):     if num==2 or num==3:         return True     if num%2==0 or num<2:         render Imitation     for northward in range(3,int(num**0.v)+1,2):            if num%northward==0:             return False         return True print(isprime(13)) print(isprime(18))          

This method is implemented using part. It will return Truthful if the number is prime. Otherwise, it volition return Imitation. First checking with 13 and so with eighteen.


Truthful Imitation

i.iii Code

def isprime(num):   if num == 2 or num == 3:       return True   if num < 2 or num%2 == 0:       render False   if num < 9:       return True   if num%3 == 0:       render Fake   a = int(num**0.5)   b = 5   while b <= a:     print ('\t',b)     if num%b == 0:         render False     if num%(b+two) == 0:         return Faux     b=b+6   return Truthful print(isprime(fifteen)) print(isprime(2))          

This method is implemented using function. It will return True if the number is prime number. Otherwise, information technology volition return Fake. Kickoff checking with 15 and then with 2.


False True

one.4 Code

def isprime(num):     if num> 1:           for northward in range(ii,num):               if (num % north) == 0:                   render False         return Truthful     else:         render False print(isprime(64)) print(isprime(5))          

This method is implemented using part. It will render True if the number is prime number. Otherwise, it will render False—first checking with 64 and and so with 5.


Fake Truthful

Method 2: Using if-else statements to check if a number is prime or not

n=int(input("Enter a number:")) if n>1:     for i in range(2,n//2):         if(n%i)==0:             print(n,"is not a prime number")             suspension     else:         impress(n,"is a prime number") else:     print(n,"is neither prime number nor composite")          

This lawmaking is usually using loops. Hither we are getting a number as an input from the user. It performs the code and gives the result to the user. If the user gives one as an input, information technology will display neither prime nor composite.


Enter a number:14 xiv is non a prime number Enter a number:3 3 is a prime number Enter a number:ane 1 is neither prime nor composite

Method three: Using math role to bank check if a number is prime or not

Math is a module that is already available in the python library. This module contains a lot of mathematical functions. To access this module, we have to import the module as:

import math

Hither we are using math.sqrt to bank check if the number is prime or not. sqrt() is a born function in python.




x – that can be any value.


It returns the square root of the x value.


import math def isprime(num):     a=ii     while a<=math.sqrt(num):         if num%a<ane:             return False         a=a+ane     return num>1 print(isprime(14)) print(isprime(7))          


Simulated True

Method 4: Using sympy module to check if a number is prime or not

Sympy is a module in the python library. It simply depends on mpmath. Here nosotros are simply using a sympy module. The pip command line to install the module is:

pip install sympy




x – it is an input value


Boolean values

4.1 Code

import sympy print(sympy.isprime(90))          



4.2 Code

from sympy import * impress(isprime(nineteen))          



four.3 Code

import sympy.ntheory as nt print(nt.isprime(8))          



Method v: Using primePy library to check if a number is prime number or not

The primePy is a library that is useful to perform the operations regarding prime numbers. Here we are using primePy to bank check whether a number is prime number or not. The pip control to install the primePy module:

pip install primePy


primePy.check(due north)


north – Information technology is an input number


Boolean values


from primePy import primes print(primes.check(63))          



Method vi: Using is_integer function to bank check if a number is prime or not

is_integer is a built-in function that is useful tos bank check if the given number is an integer or not. It is also useful to check if it is prime or not.




floating number


Boolean values (True or Faux)


def prime(num):     a=[]     for i in range (one, num+1):         if (num/i).is_integer():             a.suspend(i)     if len(a)==2:         print("Prime")     else:         print("Not Prime") prime number(two)          



Learn Something New: How to generate a random prime number?

import random def range_primes(a, b):     prime = []     for i in range(a, b):         is_prime = Truthful         for n in range(2, i):             if i % northward == 0:                 is_prime = Imitation         if is_prime:             prime.append(i)     render prime number prime= range_primes(1,100) random_prime = random.pick(prime number) impress("Random Prime Number is:", random_prime)          


Random Prime number is: xi

1. What is a prime?

Prime number numbers are the numbers that are non the product of any other numbers. These numbers are ever natural numbers.

2. How to check if the number is prime or not using loops?

To check if a number is prime or non. We have to create a for loop to iterate the numbers. Suppose the number is greater than one. It will check whether a number is a product of any number. If it is, it displays False as a result.


Here we have briefly learned near how to check if a number is prime number or not. We have learned many possible ways. With that, nosotros likewise saw how to generate a prime number number. We hope this article is helpful. Endeavour to solve the programs on your own to proceeds more cognition.


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